Earthquake Retrofitting and Repair Photo Album: The Gift of Earthquake Retrofitting in San Ramon, CA
Retrofitting your home against earthquakes can add value and safety. Earthquakes happen so often in California that we barely notice them but, even though we may only feel the quake for a second, the effects on your home over time can be significant. The damage done by earthquakes isn't always as destructive as you have surely seen on the news, it can shift your home as surely as the continents of the Earth. Retrofitting your foundation is a smart way to defend it.
Vulnerable Foundation
The way that older homes were constructed left them vulnerable to the detrimental effects of earthquakes over a long period of time.
Small But Mighty In Numbers
We installed 47 Simpson Strong-Tie URFP10s along the perimeter of the foundation, spaced 6 ft. On Center and 1 ft. away from the corners.
Look at the curves on that fella.
Powerful Foundation
With the installation of these silver retrofit brackets, the home became stronger in regard to seismic activity.